DTC Solutions

What is a DTC?

DTC stands for Diagnostic Trouble Codes, which are error codes in a vehicle's computer that indicate issues with the engine management system. These codes help repair technicians locate and fix problems. A DTC consists of a letter followed by four numbers. The letter is usually P, representing the engine management system, and the four numbers specify the exact issue or component involved.

Ghost Engine Fault Codes

All vehicles may occasionally show a fault code and a check engine light. Usually, these problems are quickly found and fixed. However, sometimes a vehicle may have a "ghost fault code" that disappears and then randomly reappears for no clear reason, making it hard to diagnose and repair.

If you are being haunted by a ghost fault code that will just not clear, we can help. We can fully access the engine's ECU and software to permanently remove the code while keeping all other functions working.

It is important that you are aware of the local laws and regulations when removing components or codes from any vehicle.